Bayside founders are the perfect example of a few people changing the world. The Old Alcohol Plant in Port Hadlock Washington, was originally a manufacturing plant built in 1911 by Charles Adams, father of Photographer Ansel Adams'. After years of difficulties and making little profit, the plant closed in 1929 and remain closed until the 1980s when it was remodeled into a resort hotel.
The founders acquired the Old Alcohol Plant in 2015 and also established non-profit organization, Bayside Housing & Services using a creative, one of a kind approach. ​While other organizations have converted hotels for use as homeless shelters or transitional housing, Bayside and the hotel elected to retain the hotel business as part of a sustainability model. Some of the rooms are set aside for transitional, temporary housing and some are kept as part of the hotel. Proceeds from hotel room stays, the restaurant, gallery and events help fund Bayside.
The first residents moved in May 2016 and since then, Bayside has provided over 42,000 bed nights, plus meals, assistance in seeking permanent housing, and much more. Both individuals and families are welcomed. The private guests of this boutique hotel are well informed about its use as a transitional housing service. Judging by repeat business, and by the frequent donations of hotel guests, the approach has been a success.
As the need rises the vision expands. The need for temporary housing and affordable permanent housing has exploded. In the original vision of service, the hope was that people could be assisted into permanent, affordable housing in a few months. That guest stay has grown exponentially due to the affordable housing shortage. Bayside has since expanded its vision and is now working on additional temporary housing in the areas as well as developing permanent housing solutions.

A Historic Hotel is Transformed
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
- Margaret Meade